Wellbeing Support
- NHS 111 If you or someone you know requires immediate medical attention, or in immediate danger, then dial 999 or go to A&E. If you or someone you know needs urgent mental health care, but it is not life threatening, call NHS 111 and select Option 2. Phone: 111
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) Emergency support – Phone: 01633 749 519
- Papyrus For young people at risk of suicide, the organisation offers help, advice and resources. Phone: 0800 068 4141
- Mind Monmouthshire Experienced staff who are welcoming and friendly, here to help you in Monmouthshire – Phone: 01873 858 275
- Live Fear Free Providing help and advice about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence – Helpline: 0808 8010800
- Melo contains information, advice and self-help resources to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
- MCC Children’s Services Phone: 01291 635669 (during working hours) after 5pm and at weekends please ring the South East Wales Emergency Duty Team Phone: 0800 328 4432.
- Chat Health is a safe and easy way to speak to one of our qualified school nurses. If you’re aged 11-19, text 07312 263 262 for confidential support and advice, you don’t even have to give your name.
Support Local to me !
For useful links to food banks and community fridges, to warm spaces and community projects in your area of Monmouthshire please view:
Cost Of Living Support
Anyone can fall behind with bills and get into debt, but it’s NEVER too late to seek help and advice, you may be surprised at how much can be done to help you get back on your feet!
View Cost of Living Support – Monmouthshire >
InFaCT – Integrating Families & Community Together
InFaCT can link you, your family and your children towards relevant services, activities, and opportunities within the community.
We aim to empower families by identifying needs and engaging problems at the earliest opportunity, and to strengthen communities by supporting new ideas and bringing like-minded people together.
Some examples of things we have helped with in the last year:
- Home life and finances, being on the right benefits, accessing grants, accessing food banks, food vouchers or community fridges and help with cost of living worries.
- Well being and personal needs such as accessing counselling services, worrying about isolation, knowledge of disability services, further education, volunteering and training opportunities.
- Knowledge of local groups and opportunities, activities and hobbies.
Tel: 01291 691 330
Email: infact@monmouthshire.gov.uk
InFaCT – Monmouthshire website >
MonLife – Youth Service
We’re MonLife’s Youth and Community Team, made up of Monmouthshire’s Youth Service and Sports Development Team. We’re here to help young people across Monmouthshire meet friends, explore interests, access support, and grow as fully rounded individuals.
Our Youth Centres:
- The Attik, Monmouth Youth Centre, Whitecross Street, Monmouth, NP25 3XR
- The Cabin, Abergavenny Youth Centre, Old Hereford Road, Abergavenny, NP7 6EL
- The Pavilion, Thornwell Pavilion, Bulwark, Chepstow, NP16 5TQ
- The Zone, Caldicot Youth Centre, 1 Chepstow Road, Caldicot, NP26 4XY
For more information about our youth centres or any of the groups or support our centre staff can offer, please contact:
Email: youth@monmouthshire.gov.uk.
Monmouthshire Early Years and Childcare Hub
Take a look at our Financial Support for Monmouthshire Families booklet. Support available from pregnancy and through the school years.
If you require any further information on any of these funding streams, please contact:
Tel: 01633 644527
Email: childcare@monmouthshire.gov.uk