Well-being of Future Generation (Wales) Act 2015
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act is about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales through sustainable development.
The Act places a well-being duty on public sector bodies to take action to achieve 7 well-being goals in accordance with a sustainable development principle.
The 7 well-being goals are as follows:
- A prosperous Wales
- A resilient Wales
- A healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A Wales of cohesive communities
- A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
- A globally responsible Wales
The demonstrate application of the sustainable development principle, public bodies will need to:
- Look to the long term
- Focus on prevention by understanding the root causes of issues
- Deliver an integrated approach to achieveing the 7 well-being goals
- Work in collaboration with others to find shared sustainable solutions
- Involve diverse populations in decisions that affect them
Megan’s Story
The Welsh Government have produced a short animation which explains the positive impact the Well-being of Future Generations Act will have throughout Megan’s life and tells you more about what is being done and why.
Public sector bodies will act jointly through Monmouthshire’s Public Services Board (PSB) to improve the well-being of their Local Authority area by working towards the objectives identified in the PSB Well-being Plan. The Well-being Plan was produced as a result of engagement with the people in our communities, findings from data, academic research, and future trends. It considers the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Monmouthshire as a whole, as well as our individual and unique towns and their surrounding areas.
The Act establishes a statutory Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, whose role is to act as a guardian for the interests of future generations in Wales, and to support the public bodies listed in the Act to work towards achieving the well-being goals.
You can find out more about the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act by downloading the Welsh Government ‘The Essentials’ overview publication.
Sustainable Development
In July 2016, the Council adopted a new Sustainable Development Policy, which is based on the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act legislation.
The aim of the policy is to make sure there is a clear and consistent understanding of what sustainable development means across the whole of the Council. We believe that sustainable development and future generations are crucial aspects of everything that we do, and when working with partners, contractors and other organisations we would expect them to share these values.