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As part of the Second Call for Candidate Sites additional detailed information will be required to support all Candidate Site submissions. This is to ensure that sufficient evidence is provided on a site’s deliverability and viability and to enable a full site assessment.

A key consideration is whether the site, or, part of the site contains Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Agricultural Land i.e. Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3a. If a site does contain BMV agricultural land, the amount and grade must be specified as part of the candidate site submission and it is advisable to undertake an Agricultural Land survey. This should be submitted with your Candidate Site submission. 

The Welsh Government has produced a Guidance Note on how to determine the grade of agricultural land, how to use the Predictive Agricultural Land Classification Map and when to commission a survey. They have also produced a note giving details of what is required of a good Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) report. These are included here to assist with Candidate Site submissions.