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Grants available for community food projects

Grants available for community food projects

Monmouthshire Food Partnership is seeking applications from third-sector organisations, community groups and social enterprises who are contributing to Monmouthshire’s good food movement.

We are particularly interested in projects that will benefit disadvantaged communities, for example: those experiencing social isolation, low income, unemployment, poor health, barriers to housing, or poor living conditions. Projects should promote diversity and inclusion (including promoting the Welsh language). Collaborations between communities and businesses will be especially welcome.

Scheme objectives

Projects must meet at least one of these objectives:

  • addressing food poverty
  • increasing access to healthy, nutritious food
  • educational activities linked to food
  • bringing people together through good food
  • linking local producers and consumers
  • promoting discussion about ethical, sustainable food choices
  • encouraging sustainable food production

How much can we apply for?

There are two tiers of grant:

  • lower tier is £0–£300 incl. VAT
  • higher tier is £301–£2,500 incl. VAT

Are we eligible?

Projects must be delivered in Monmouthshire and led by the community, though collaborations with local food businesses/producers are encouraged.

Applications must be submitted by an incorporated group or social enterprise with a bank account. We cannot accept applications from individuals.

Full terms and conditions are available here >


There is a rolling window for applications.

The first assessment period is 21–31 October 2024 (for applications received on or before 18 October). Successful applicants will be notified on 1 November 2024.

The second assessment period is 17–28 February 2025 (applications received on or before 14 February). Successful applicants will be notified on 3 March 2025.

Grants must be spent within 6 months of receipt.

How do we apply?

Apply by filling in the application form here >

The live application form will show you one question at a time. To see all the questions together before you start completing the live form, click here >

To see the assessment criteria and how we will score applications, click here >

We’d like to talk to someone before we apply

If you are new to writing grant applications, or you’d just like to talk to us about your idea: Email Elaine Blanchard and Siân Kidd on and they will get in touch with you.

Or you can telephone the Monmouthshire County Council Contact Centre on 01633 644 644.