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Consultation Closed

Thank you to all residents and local businesses for participating in the consultation. The consultation closed on the 5 January 2024

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Graphic - Have your Say

Monmouthshire County Council has extended the period for the Local Transport Plan public consultation!

With a focus on creating a sustainable, integrated and accessible transport network, the Council is seeking your views on its vision, objectives and strategic framework for the future development of Monmouthshire’s transport network.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far. The consultation is still open and will now close at 23:59 on Friday 5 January 2024.

To view the proposals and provide your feedback, visit the online exhibition here:

Monmouthshire County Council has launched a consultation on their voluntary Local Transport Plan (LTP), which focuses on the future of transport within the county.

The focus of this consultation is to explore and seek your feedback on our vision, objectives and strategic framework for the future development of Monmouthshire’s transport network. The LTP will also help to inform the replacement Local Development Plan currently being prepared and the Regional Transport Plan expected to be developed in 2024.

In partnership with our consultants, Arup, we’ve developed a virtual exhibition room, where you will find information about the current and proposed future transport network in Monmouthshire, including how we intend to create an integrated sustainable transport system that positively contributes towards achieving net zero within the county.

Please take the time to visit our virtual exhibition room and provide your feedback on our proposals. You can access the room here:

You can have your say by completing our online survey available via the virtual exhibition. Alternatively, you can print, complete and return a copy of the survey to us using the postal address ‘FREEPOST MCC LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN’ (no stamp required) or by email:

If you wish to speak to the project team or request paper copies, please email us: or phone us at 01172401529