You are interested in learning more about the two roles advertised else you wouldn’t have landed here. So, here’s a bit of the background for you. We are looking to build an in-house security service to provide cyber resilience, information security assurance and practical support to a partnership of Gwent Police, Monmouthshire CC, Torfaen CBC and Blaenau Gwent CBC.
The security service has previously been contracted out, but we have made the decision to create an In-House team to ensure that all aspects of Information Security are covered for the partners. The aim is to provide advice and guidance to all our colleagues, at the same time as working with the SRS on the security of the physical infrastructure.
We want an in-house service because it means advice is coming from someone who understands what Police and Local Authorities are all about, but it also allows the person giving the advice to cast their eyes across the partner organisations and go where their professional judgement takes them to improve cyber resilience and information security
Meet the stakeholders :-

The Shared Resource Service (SRS) is a unique and successful collaboration in South Wales that provides technology services to the public sector.
The Shared Resource Service (SRS) partners include Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Gwent, Gwent Police, Monmouthshire County Council, Newport City Council and Torfaen County Borough Council.
The SRS operates a collaborative service through a single organisational structure and delivery model and is one that is encouraged through the Welsh Public Sector Technology Strategy a document written and endorsed by Welsh Government.
Here’s a link to our strategy
The Partners

The SIRO’s of Gwent Police and the Local Authorities of Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent and Monmouthshire have partnered together to set up an in-house Information security service. It will give us assurance that our information is safe and we have planned resilience measures in place.
The security service has previously been contracted out, but we have made the decision to create an In-House team to ensure that all aspects of Information Security are covered for the partners. The aim is to provide advice and guidance to all our colleagues, at the same time as working with the SRS on the security of the physical infrastructure.
We want it in-house because it means the advice is coming from someone who understands what Police and Local Authorities are all about, and it also allows the person giving the advice to cast their eyes across the organisation and go where their professional judgement takes them to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the partner organisations.
Though the service will be hosted by Monmouthshire County Council it’s really important to understand that it doesn’t have any sovereignty over the other partners. All partners will work together to collaborate and standardise on policies wherever possible, although each partner will retain control of its risk appetite.