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To get help to prevent homelessness you need to contact Monmouthshire Housing Options Team who will ask you some questions and may invite you to meet with them to assess your needs.

You can be accompanied by anybody when you visit us. This could a friend, family, advocate, support worker. It might be helpful to remember what you have been told. If you would like help with finding an advocate or support worker to help you, please let us know.

You will be allocated a Housing Officer who will advise and support you until you are no longer threatened with homelessness.

If you prefer to speak to an officer of the same sex as you, please mention this when you make your appointment and we will try to arrange this.

We may contact your mortgage company or previous landlord(s) to gather information and negotiate with them to prevent your homelessness.

Phone number: 01633 644 644 · Email address:

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.45 – 5.00pm, Friday 8.45 – 4.30pm

Emergency out of hours number: 01633 644 644