Monmouthshire Highways Operations department are undertaking urgent and emergency work only. We will not be undertaking any planned maintenance schemes until restriction advice changes from Welsh Government. Monmouthshire County Councils Verge Sponsorship Policy Scheme is on hold until further notice.
This is to say we will react to emergencies, such as RTC’s , fallen trees, emergency road sweeping, obstructions and hazards. We will be undertaking winter service as normal and also supporting other departments and colleagues in urgent and emergency work. All our teams are working, but we are focusing our efforts on the most important needs.
Stay safe.
The highways network management team manage a variety of services:
- Weekly roadworks report
- Section 50 – streetworks licence
- Co-ordination of streetworks
- Section 58
- Traffic sensitive streets
- Street naming & numbering
The highways department aims to keep motorists on the move through effective co-ordination of works on the highway.
The Highways Network Team deals with all aspects of Statutory Undertakers (gas, electric, water and telecom) works on the highway.
For all other requests for services relating to highways operations, i.e. potholes, flooding, street lighting or general enquiries regarding the highways, please contact one of the Community Hub’s who are your first point of contact in dealing with your highways enquiry.
The team also co-ordinates all works on the highway to ensure there are no conflicts which would impede the expeditious movement of traffic on Monmouthshire’s highway network.
We can be contacted by email