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Monmouthshire Cycle Training – Monmouthshire Council are committed to promoting active travel and will be delivering Cycle training to schools across Monmouthshire:

The Road Safety Team offers the National Standards Cycle Training Programme to all primary schools throughout Monmouthshire.

Cycle Training is aimed at year 5 and is an important part of the curriculum; the main purpose is to heighten a child’s awareness of the dangers on the roads. It is offered free of charge to all schools and the course duration consists of approximately six hours, and delivered by a team of trained instructors. 

The training includes how to control your bike, being able to look and assess traffic, how to communicate and where to position yourself on the road. Developing their knowledge of hazard awareness and knowledge of the highway code.

Level 1 – Approx 2 hours per group of 15 learners.

Level 1 techniques and skills

  • Getting on and off
  • Starting off and stopping
  • Staying upright without wobbling
  • Pedalling
  • Steering and maintaining forward progress
  • Cycling one handed/signalling
  • Looking behind
  • Use of gears

By completing level 1, you are demonstrating you have the skills and confidence to ride where there are no cars and ready to start your on road training

Level 2 – approx. 6 hours per group of 6 learners

Level 2 techniques and skills

  • Theory of on road cycling
  • Getting on and off the bicycle and starting off
  • Stopping
  • Use of gears
  • Cycling one handed/signalling
  • Looking behind
  • Turning right, left and overtaking parked vehicles on a variety of quiet roads
  • Using cycling facilities

For more information or to book a course, please contact

Junior road safety officers

What is a Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO) ?

Junior Road Safety Officers help their local Road Safety Officer to promote road safety issues within the school and the local community. Each primary school is encouraged to appoint two JRSO’s from Year 5 .

Being a JRSO is a very important job, but it’s also really good fun.

Throughout the year you could be involved in lots of activities.

  • Maintaining a notice board and making sure the road safety information is up to date
  • Talking in an Assembly or in Class on road safety themes
  • Arranging competitions
  • Awarding certificates
  • Using the JRSO website
  • Helping to appoint next year’s JRSO

Transition Sessions

As part of our commitment to ensuring all children are safe at the road side, we will now be offering road safety transition workshops, for year 6 pupils in readiness for their transition to comprehensive school.  The sessions will include discussions around safe routes to school, journey planning and other key road safety messages.  Workshops are for approximately 1 hour based on a class of 30.  For more information or to book a session, please email