The Early Years and Childcare Hub finds itself answering the same sorts of questions to parents in Monmouthshire. In order to help you out, we’ve put together a handy list of our frequently asked questions.
1) How do I apply to my local School Nursery?
A nursery application form can be obtained from https://www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/education/early-years/
Contact Details: (accesstolearning@monmouthshire.gov.uk / 01633 644508)
2) When will my child be eligible for early education?
Every child is eligible for early education the term following their 3rd birthday. The start of each term is January 1st, April 1st and September 1st regardless of when holidays start and end. Early education can either be used at a school nursery, 2.5 hours a day or at a private, approved nursery or playgroup. The funding available for private provision is £10 per session, up to 5 sessions a week (2 hours per day up to 10 hours per week ) and each session must be on a different day. Details of these early education providers can be found here.
Please note: You may hear early education funding referred to as nursery vouchers, pre-school funding, 3 year old childcare, Foundation Phase Nursery etc. This is all the same funding. It exists to provide education to three and four year olds before starting school and is for the educational element only and not for childcare.
3) What is the Childcare Offer and how do I apply for it?
The Childcare Offer for Wales is a Welsh Government funded scheme providing 30 hours a week of free education and childcare for eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds, for up to 48 weeks of the year.
Full information about the Childcare Offer can be found here
4) How do I become a registered childminder or find a job in childcare?
Read our Careers in Childcare booklet here.
5) Can I receive any help towards Childcare costs?
From age 2, your child may be eligible for Flying Start childcare if you live in an eligible area. The childcare element of the Flying Start programme is currently being rolled out across Monmouthshire with the full expansion thought to be in place by September 2025. A health visitor/Flying Start officer will make contact when the expansion reaches your postcode.
Early Education Funding is available, the term following your child’s 3rd birthday at one of Monmouthshire’s approved providers and you may be eligible for the 30 hours childcare offer.
You may also be able to use Tax-Free Childcare
6) How do I know if my Childcare Provider is registered?
A Childcare Provider must be registered with Care Inspectorate Wales(CIW) if they look after children under the age of 12 and plan to operate for more than two hours a day. If your Childcare Provider is registered with CIW, they will have a CIW Registration Number which they should be able to give you. Your Childcare Provider must be registered with CIW if you wish to use Tax-Free Childcare
7) What should I check for when looking for childcare?
Read our guide to choosing the most suitable childcare for your child here.
8) How do I find Childcare in my area:
A comprehensive list of childcare, activities and family services throughout the county can be found at monchildcare.org.uk
Alternatively, you can email childcare@monmouthshire.gov.uk or ring 01633 644527 during office hours.
9) I don’t live in Monmouthshire, how can I access childcare information for my area?
Every Local Authority in Wales has a Childcare Information Service. You can find contact details and web addresses at http://www.childcareinformation.wales/home
10) I’m thinking about becoming a childcare provider, how do I find out if there is a need in my area?
You can read Monmouthshire’s most recent Childcare Sufficiency Assessment to find out about the provision currently available and plans for future developments.