Monmouthshire County Council and Horan Construction Ltd have started work on the second phase of improvements to Church Road in Caldicot.
The scheme has been designed to:
- Manage traffic and parking during school drop
off and pick up times - Reduce traffic speed
- Provide a safer, more pleasant environment
for walking and cycling - Create a more attractive, greener street with
more planting and wider footways - Improve the link between the town centre
and Caldicot Castle and Country Park
The first phase of the scheme was built in 2021. It focused on improving pedestrian safety and making it easier to cross the street in three places along Church Road. The Council has now secured funding and selected a contractor to build the second phase, which will complete the improvements to Church Road between Chepstow Road and the Taff Road roundabout.
Measures will include:
- New paved footways and kerbs
- Better drainage, with rain gardens and
additional gullies - Resurfaced and upgraded carriageway
- Raised tables and buildouts to reduce traffic speed
- An improved and enlarged parking area in the Country Park
- Work will begin on 13 March, starting with the enlarged parking area near the entrance to the Country Park.
Work on Church Road itself is planned to start in April, when the parking area is available to be used. We expect the works to be completed this Summer. Information about traffic management and any road closures will be shared in advance.
The Church Road scheme responds to consultation with residents that was done in 2020. The top four priorities that local people identified were parking at school drop off and pick-up times, narrow pavements, traffic speeds, and lack of places to cross the road. The project delivers improvements
on all of these issues.
Funding for the work in Church Road is from the Welsh Government’s Active Travel Fund, Transforming Towns programme, and Monmouthshire County Council.
Contact: Daniel Fordham, Regeneration Manager,
Monmouthshire County Council. 07890 024489