Welcome to Chat with Flo
What’s it all about?
We’re here to help break the stigma associated with period for anyone who menstruates – it’s important, Period!
We have secured funding from Welsh Government for education and products. We want to help end period poverty and promote a ‘period proud’ Wales.
How can Chat with Flo help?
Find out about all the products available, including reusables.
Get information about everything to do with periods, whether for yourself or for someone in your family.
About products and your choices…
Did you know that periods cost £15 a month using disposables, so why not consider using reusables, great for your wallet and the environment!
Products are reusable, sustainable and the disposable products are all plastic free and use sustainable materials.
Products available are (but not limited to):
- Reusable pants
- Reusable pads
- Boxers
- Moon cups
- Disposable tampons and pads
We are developing workshops to take across the county. These will be aimed at three sets of people: Young people (school age), dads/men and adults who menstruate. Anyone is welcome to join these sessions and they will be free. Afterwards, free products will be made available for you to try. There will also be discount codes for you if you wanted to buy more products from different suppliers.
Workshops will include
Facts and figures about periods and products
How to use products/ benefits of reusable products
Info about apps to use to track periods
What to look out for – be aware of what’s normal for your body and when you should see a doctor.
A chance to ask questions
Menstrual wellbeing for children with additional needs
A guide has been written to support the menstrual wellbeing of children with additional needs in Monmouthshire. With key insights from conversations with parents and professionals and signpost to relevant resources and services within.
This is meant as a guide and not medical advice. Please contact your GP for medical advice on menstrual wellbeing.
Improving menstrual wellbeing for children with additional needs > Download the PDF file here!
A special thanks to Hannah Brown from ‘Womb Wisdom’.
Where to get the products?
At the moment there are over 40 locations across the county who have products available. We will have our ‘chat with flo’ stickers on the window/door of these locations so you can go in and grab products, free of charge.
You can also email communitydevelopment@monmouthshire.gov.uk for more info on where to get products.
List of outlets:
- ALL leisure centres in Monmouthshire
- ALL libraries in Monmouthshire
- ALL museums/ Tourist info centres in Monmouthshire
- ALL comprehensive schools in Monmouthshire, many of these will also be a distribution hub for the wider community.
- ALL primary schools in Monmouthshire, many of these will also be a distribution hub for the wider community.
- ALL community fridges in Monmouthshire
- The Young carers team, Monmouthshire County Council
- Tintern Old Station
- ACE partnership, Abergavenny
- The Acorn centre, Abergavenny
- The Wool croft, Abergavenny
- The community centre, Abergavenny
- Cwtch Angels, Abergavenny
- The Somerset Arms Pub, Abergavenny
- TogetherWORKS, Caldicot
- Little Pips, Caldicot
- CORE, Caldicot
- Raglan Baptist Church and St Cadocs Church, Raglan
- Basecamp, Chepstow
- Wyesham Together (Churches project), Monmouth
If you would like to become an outlet for the Chat with Flo free products please get in touch via the email address below.
This project is supported by the MCC Community Development team > Find out More !

Useful links:
Period Dignity event attracts praise and positivity – Monmouthshire
Period Poverty | Bloody Good Period