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Monmouthshire County Council has announced that Mitchel Troy recycling centre will be reopening from Tuesday 15th September. Detailed plans have been put into place to ensure that the personnel and…

Our offices will be Closed on Monday 31st August.If your call is an emergency please telephone 0300 123 1055.     There will be no Refuse collection Monday 31st August, collections will…

Across Monmouthshire students are receiving their GCSE results.  In a week of intense public and political scrutiny of Wales’ examination system and processes today we refocus on the outcomes that…

Monmouthshire County Council is working in partnership with the local town council to solve one of Chepstow’s stickiest problems – the scourge of chewing gum carelessly deposited on roads and…

KA campaign has been launched across Wales encouraging people to contact social services if they are worried that a family member, friend, neighbour or someone that they know in their…

Road safety measures in Usk are to be revised following feedback from the Usk community and meetings between Monmouthshire County Council and Usk Town Council. The temporary traffic light system,…

Monmouthshire’s markets will reopen to the public and traders next week.  Abergavenny and Caldicot markets will reopen on Tuesday 30th June with Monmouth’s reopening on Friday 3rd July. The decision…

Birth registrations in Monmouthshire and across Wales can now re-commence. As the register office is currently dealing with a backlog of registrations, appointments will be prioritised based on baby’s date…

“If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel together” This captures some interesting dilemmas for us as we look to our future. Our…

In response to the Welsh Government’s Test, Trace, Protect strategy, partners including Public Health Wales, the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and the five Local Authorities in Gwent have joined…

In recent weeks there has been much coverage in the local and national media telling the story of those on the frontline in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. From…

Gardens, large and small are fantastic places for all kinds of plants and animals. Wales Nature Week is all about nature in our gardens and the fun starts on Saturday,…

Photo: County Councillor Bob Greenland. UK-based companies can now apply for a convertible loan of between £125,000 and £5million, to support continued growth and innovation in sectors as diverse as…

Monmouth has officially been named as the UK’s first Bee Town. This recognition, awarded on World Bee Day, follows the excellent work led by Monmouthshire County Council, Monmouth Town Council…

Our offices will be Closed on Monday 25th May If your call is an emergency please telephone 0300 123 1055.     There will be no Refuse collection Monday 25th May, collections…

Under the current lockdown measures, many of the usual opportunities to identify domestic abuse such as contact with professionals at routine appointments have been lost, meaning older people could be…

Monmouthshire County Council’s Trading Standards is keen to support a national initiative called Business Against Scams, which seeks to stop businesses falling victim to criminals currently exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic….

Monmouthshire’s foster care team is looking for committed and caring people to offer a home to children and young people within the county.  In these difficult times, it’s more important…

Monmouthshire County Council is keen to update residents and clear up any misconceptions about the closure of our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs). There seems to be some misinformation circulating…

We are experiencing issues with our Passenger Transport Team’s phone line 01633 644777 Please use the numbers below to contact the team directly for the time being – Becky Pritchard…

Dear all, I wanted to write as we move forward through the most challenging time our council has ever faced. We are still reeling from the terrible flooding following the…

Our offices will be closed over the Easter period as follows: Friday 10th,  Monday 13th & Tuesday 14thApril If you need emergency assistance during this time please telephone  0300 123…