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 The Assistivetech Monmouthshire Hub was officially opened on 4th June at Chepstow Community Hospital. The launch allowed colleagues from Monmouthshire County Council and partner organisation Aneurin Bevan Health Board plus members of other external organisations to see…

MonLife volunteers were the guests of honour at a recent celebration event held on Wednesday 5th June at Old Station Tintern as part of the UK-wide Volunteers Week. The event was held…

Last week, MonLife Sports Development Team hosted Primary school pupils from across Monmouthshire at their annual PlayMaker Conference. The aim was to bring Monmouthshire’s young leaders together for training and to celebrate their leadership…

Family Volunteering Club are appealing for children and their families to help out as part of an upcoming event in Abergavenny. Family Volunteering Club makes it easy for children aged…

The Gwent Green Grid partnership has just announced that it has been awarded almost £1million by the National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales to promote resilient ecological Nature Networks in…

MonLife has put together a programme of exciting activities for children, young people and families to enjoy this February school half-term. The Monmouthshire Games are returning, providing a great chance…

At the meeting of full council on Thursday 19th January, Monmouthshire County Council’s cabinet member for Climate Change and the Environment, Cllr. Catrin Maby provided an update on the progress…

MonLife, which runs Monmouthshire County Council’s heritage service MonHeritage, has secured two funding awards totalling over £415,000 from Welsh Government and The National Lottery Heritage Fund. The award will enable…