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Foster Carers in Monmouthshire were the guests of honour an appreciation event recently, thanking them for their service. The event was an opportunity for Monmouthshire foster carers to come together…

Caldicot Castle was the stunning location for a foster carer appreciation event. The event celebrated the huge contribution that foster carers make to the lives of babies, children and young…

This Foster Care Fortnight (15th-28th May 2023), people across Monmouthshire have come together to show their support for fostering. Local traders, construction workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and more, joined Monmouthshire’s…

This Foster Care Fortnight 9th -22nd May 2022 Monmouthshire County Council’s Fostering Team is celebrating the differences that foster carers have made to children’s lives in Monmouthshire. From foster carers…