Latest Update
The project proposal is to improve the Cross area of Caldicot Town Centre as a space that supports local well-being, enterprise and as a destination that links the town centre with its immediate neighbourhoods and Caldicot Castle and Country Park.
The project will:
- Create a ‘civilised street’ that makes the Cross area and its junction with Sandy Lane, Chepstow Road and Church Road more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists, reducing the dominance of vehicles, whilst accommodating public transport;
- Improve public transport infrastructure at this key location in the town centre;
- Enhance the setting for businesses that front onto the space with opportunities to use the space for additional commercial and social activities;
- Improved links into the active travel network
- Enhance green infrastructure, specifically trees, planting, verges and opportunities for biodiversity within an urban space;
- Enhance visitor signage and information for the town centre and outlying tourist attractions;
- Introduce a 20mph speed reduction zone around the destination space to reduce speeds further.
Overall, the project will create a more active and social, high quality, space that animates frontages, stimulates local economic development and presents a renewed purpose to the Cross area: the creation of a ‘place’.
Project Status:
- Oct 18 – Public Consultation on proposal
- Nov 18 – ‘Approval in principle’ obtained from Welsh Government for funding
- May 19 – Detailed Design completed
- Jun/July 19 – Tenders invited
- Aug 19 – full application to commence the project submitted to Welsh Government. Subject to approval, works are programmed to commence in September 2019 and complete by May 2020.