PCYP004 – Teachers pension and pay increase
Following a recent evaluation of the teachers’ pension as directed by UK Government, it was decided to increase the employers contribution. Due to this, Monmouthshire County Council have to contribute to the increase in teachers’ pension and pay. This is an unavoidable cost for the
council. The increase is anticipated to increase from 16.5% to 23.6%. In addition to this, there is an average pay increase for teachers of 2.7%, which is above the funding already provided in the medium term
financial plan. This proposal will ensure that school budgets are
sufficient to cover these unavoidable pressures.
PCYP001- Additional Learning Needs pressures
The population of children with additional learning needs is growing.
Their needs are becoming more complex. We will invest in more resources and work with our schools to help them reach their full potential We are working closely with our schools and will continue to support the needs of children with Additional Learning Needs.
CYP001- Individual School Budget savings
The council will increase individual schools budgets so that’s they can to afford the pay award and pension pressures.
Additional learning need funding in schools budgets will be protected from making any savings.