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The benefits team offer advice and practical help with state welfare benefits. We can help you find out if there are any benefits you may be entitled to, give you information and advice and help with claim forms and appeals.

We are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. You can contact us yourself or you can ask your carer, social worker, occupational therapist or carers assessment worker to contact us on your behalf.

The service is free but if we help to increase your income we will complete another financial assessment. This could mean that you may have to pay more towards the services you receive. Please note that although we may ask you to pay more you should still be better off.


For benefits advice:

Benefits Advice Team
Innovation House
NP26 9AN

For information about charging for care home placements:

Senior Finance Officer
Health and Social Care Department
Innovation House
NP26 9AN

Tel: 01633 644578
Fax: 01633 644577
Minicom: 01633 644597

For information about charging for day, homecare and short breaks services:

Income Assessment Officers
Innovation House
NP26 9AN

Tel: 01873 735970 / 01873 735971