Should you wish to apply for a temporary TRO please fill in the form below and return it with all necessary documentation and payment to the email specified in the form.
APPLICATIONS are to be submitted EIGHT WEEKS prior to requested closure date.
The cost of the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order is £2,606.00 (plus £25.00 if paying via purchase order). This includes advertising costs and administration costs incurred by the Council.
THE APPLICANT(S) shall be responsible for the following:
Contacting Monmouthshire County Council’s Network Management Section to book the road space, failure to do so could result in the works being postponed.
Please contact the Network Management Section by telephoning 01633-644764, or e-mail
Advising all householders, landowners, businesses etc. along the length of road affected about the works and closure.
Ensuring that pedestrian access is maintained at all times, together with, where reasonably practicable, vehicular access to adjacent properties.
Furnishing the Highway Authority with a coloured traffic management plan (preferably via e-mail), highlighting the extents of the closure, all advanced signing and diversion route(s) once the alternative route has been agreed.
Providing temporary signposting, including diversionary signs, in accordance with Chapter 8 of The Traffic Signs Manual, B.S. 873 and The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.
Indemnifying the County Council in respect of costs reasonably incurred by it on any alternative route or lower classification than the closed highway, to :
Improve or strengthen the highway or structure upon it to enable it to be used as an alternative route;
Make good any damage to the highway or structures upon it as a result of its use as an alternative route.
A letter drop must be carried out by the Applicant or their Contractor to notify all householders, Landowners, businesses etc, in the surrounding area, which will be affected by the road closure, a minimum of seven days before the closure’s start date.