All Affordable Housing in Monmouthshire is advertised and let through our Common Housing Register, Monmouthshire Homesearch. To search and apply for properties you will need to register on this system.
Affordable homes are mainly owned and managed by our Housing Association partners: Monmouthshire Housing Association, Melin Homes, Pobl, United Welsh
There are different types of affordable housing available:
- Social Rent – properties set at benchmark rents, this makes up the majority of affordable homes throughout Monmouthshire
- Intermediate Rent – properties set at a rate higher than social rent levels but below market rent levels
- Low Cost Home Ownership – properties available to purchase with an equity loan from a Housing Association meaning buyers are only required to fund between 50% and 70% of the property value. There is no rent, interest or any other charges associated with the loan, this is repaid when the property is sold at a future date.
There may also be the option for local people to build their own affordable home to meet their own housing needs in certain circumstances through the rural exceptions policy, more information is available in the ‘Build Your Own Affordable Home’ policy
Affordable Housing Development
Social Housing Grant
Social Housing Grant funding is provided from Welsh Government to support the development of affordable Housing. The Council works with our partner Registered Social Landlords Monmouthshire Housing Association, Melin Homes and Pobl to deliver affordable homes throughout Monmouthshire.
Section 106 Developments
All housing developments over a certain size will be required to make provision for affordable housing. The Council’s policy requirements for affordable housing are set out in the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance. The number and type of affordable housing required will be set out in a Section 106 agreement.
Affordable Housing Need
There is a high demand for affordable housing throughout Monmouthshire. Average house prices are among the highest across Wales while the private rented sector is characterised by short supply and increasing rental prices. These factors combine to make it difficult for local people to access home ownership or to rent privately. This is leading to high numbers of people registering for affordable housing and long waiting times.
The Council’s Local Housing Market Assessment provides more details about Monmouthshire’s housing market and the need for affordable housing.
For further information, please contact:
Rachel Fry – Strategy & Policy Officer – Affordable Housing
Tel: 01633 644644