The School Admissions Code Wales (July 2013) confirms that Local Authorities must consult on the admission arrangements for those schools for which it is the admissions authority. Where changes to existing arrangements are proposed, including school catchment areas, consultation must be undertaken with those likely to be affected by the proposals.
The Council has recently consulted on its school admission arrangements for the academic year 2025/26. In particular, the Council is consulted on proposals to amend its school admission arrangements to accommodate the villages of Tredunnock, Llanhennock and Llandegveth into the catchment area for Usk Church in Wales Primary School. The affected area currently forms part of the catchment area for Charles Williams Church in Wales Primary School, Newport, and did not have a designated primary catchment that falls within Monmouthshire.
On 10th April, the Council’s Cabinet met to review the Consultation Report which presented the feedback received during the consultation stages of this process. At their meeting, Cabinet agreed to approve the admission arrangements for the academic year 2025/26, including the amendment to the catchment area for Usk Church in Wales Primary School to incorporate the villages of Tredunnock, Llanhennock and Llandegveth with effect from September 2025.
A copy of the agreed School Admissions Policy 2025/26 can be found here.
If you have any questions on the proposals please contact the Access Unit on 01633 644508 or by emailing