CSCH006 – Managing the budget pressure within Children’s Services
More children are coming into our care, many with complex needs. The costs of supporting these young people are extremely high due to the complex nature of the support they require. The emotional and mental health needs of young people will continue to be a key priority. The
increase in demand not only drives up the provision costs, but also all the support costs such as contact, legal, staffing and transportation, beyond
the level afforded by the current budget.
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CSCH003 –Adults with Disabilities
There has been a large increase in the number of high cost care
placements, not only for the elderly but also for young adults moving
from Children’s services support to adult placements.
This has resulted in costs beyond the current budget. We are continuing
to seek NHS Continuing Health Care funding wherever possible to help meet these additional costs whilst also looking at opportunities to decrease
costs through lower rent premises and adjusting budgets where able.
CSCH002 –Adults Service Delivery
We have a rapidly ageing population and people with complex care needs. It has an unavoidable impact on our budget but we need to channel money in to this area. We have seen a decrease in the level of capacity of care providers in the county to meet the demand of an increasing number of people waiting for care at home services. We propose to work in partnership with our partners to look at how we can respond to this challenge. We have designed a new model of care called Turning the World
Upside Down. It focuses on providing support based on what matters,
and builds on existing networks and community assets
SCH001- Adult Services Contracts
Severn view Chepstow – Due to a recent Aneurin Bevan University Health Board review of costs for beds at Severn view, the council now have to pay more for beds at Severn view.
The increase in costs will have no impact on the level of care patients receive.