“I want to recruit 5 legal professionals to join our great legal department. My thinking is pretty simple, we have a duty to the people of Monmouthshire and their elected representatives to provide a service to the County, and the best way of doing this is to get brilliant people in to the organisation, equip them to be the professionals that they want to be, and work together to deliver a great service. Working here is a genuine pleasure, be it the pleasant, modern location and the up to date resources and systems we have in place, the mentality that focuses on output, rather than getting caught up in clock watching and over-bearing management or simply the lovely people we get to work with. My recruitment focus is on the family law work that we do, especially with regard to children services. I’ve worked with the team to establish what we need to be excellent and that’s why I’m after 2 Lawyers and 3 Paralegals to join us to ensure we have not just right person but the correct set up that allows each individual to be as good as they can be.
If you’re interested in finding out a bit more about these opportunities, click on the job descriptions below or give me a shout at matthewphillips@monmouthshire.gov.uk , @MattPhillipsMCC or linkedin.com/in/matt-phillips.”