Vision Monmouth is an action plan for the future of Monmouth. It aims to enhance Monmouth’s economy, heritage and community. The final document has been produced following extensive consultation in the town.
Vision Monmouth contains a collection of projects that together, form a ‘consensus of ambition’ between the council and its partners, about projects that can be delivered in the medium term. Included in the plan are projects that are led by us and also initiatives that are being led by other organisation’s in the town.
Projects in Vision Monmouth
Gateway Monmouth
The ‘Gateway Monmouth’ Project aims to transform the sterile and underwhelming environment alongside the River Monnow in Monmouth, into an exemplar public space and riverside amenity….(read more)
Monnow Bridge & Gate
Recently completed improvements to Monnow Bridge & Gate will allow greater access and better interpretation of the towns unique, medieval, structure. Completion of the project was marked by a formal opening ceremony on 1st May 2014, attended by….. (read more)
Monnow Street – New approaches to street design
This project will look into ways to improve the pedestrian environment along Monnow Street. The project follows a report produced by Hamilton-Baillie Associates in 2008 which prepared options for the town based upon contemporary approaches to street design.
The report included a proposal to decrease vehicular speeds and improve pedestrian safety through a further narrowing of the carriageway at the ‘pinchpoint’ in Monnow Street (between St Johns Street and Agincourt Square). This proposal was going to be trialled for a period of 2-3 months. However, following consultation on traffic management and improved pedestrian facilities in Monmouth’s town centre, council highway engineers have reviewed the original proposals and decided to reconsider the scheme to narrow vehicular access at the top of Monnow Street.
Local county councillors, senior cabinet members and officers met with consultants Hamilton-Baillie Associates to assess the scheme design and review proposals in light of feedback from the public. The scheme had generated a great deal of interest with significant concern that plans for better pedestrian access would also result in increased traffic congestion.
Head of Infrastructure and Sustainability, Roger Hoggins said: “We know that to improve pedestrian access increased traffic congestion would be inevitable but we also acknowledge that such an experiment implemented in isolation could be counter productive should a larger scheme be proposed in the future. So we will now only consider narrowing vehicular access at the junction of Monnow St and Agincourt Square in the context of a wider regeneration project.”