How to make a payment
Making a payment for your SAB Application
You can make payment for your application via any of the following methods:
Cheque (Made payable to Monmouthshire County Council), either included with the hard copy of your application or sent to Income Office, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA
Credit/Debit Card, by telephoning the Income Office on 01633 644355 or online on the page Paying council bills and fines (click on ‘SuDS Pre-Application Advice’ or ‘SuDS Full Application’, then select the correct option under ‘Services’).
Bank Transfer, to the following details: Mon CC Main Account, 20-18-23, 13996565.
In all cases, please state clearly whether it is a SAB Pre-Application Advice submission or Full Application you are paying for. Where possible, please include the reference number of your application (e.g. SAB/2019/000), or if you do not have this please provide the site address so we can allocate the payment correctly.