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Gwent’s Crime Prevention Panels are groups of volunteers who are local residents that work with the police to prevent crime in their communities.

Panel members can be involved in various campaigns and initiatives including; carrying out patrols to identify potential victims of crime due to homes being left insecure or by motorists leaving valuable items on view in their vehicles. They also support local community engagement events, sign residents up to the Community Messaging System and raise awareness of crime prevention techniques, community speed watch, and a range of other initiatives to help residents stay safe as well as offering practical support to residents on how to keep themselves, their homes and other residents safe and prevent themselves from becoming a victim of crime.

Please note: Members of the Crime Prevention Panel are subject to Police vetting checks and need to be aged 18+.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact: Leeanne.Husselbee@Gwent.Pnn.Police.Uk