Views on care and support
Why are we contacting you?
We want you to help us improve the services that you and others in Monmouthshire.
What would we like you to do?
Please could you answer the questions about the help you have had from us.
How will your answers be used?
Your answers will not change the care and support you receive from us. A number on the questionnaire is only to let us know that you have replied so we don’t ask you to complete the questionnaire again. We will send everyone’s answers to the Welsh Government so they can see how well we are doing, but we won’t tell them which answers are yours.
Completing the questionnaire
Please complete the questionnaire below which applies to you. There is a questionnaire for children, their parents and carers of adults.
Thank you for helping us.
Jane Rodgers
Head of Children’s Services and Safeguarding
Julie Boothroyd
Head of Adults Services and Transformation