Monmouthshire County Council Cabinet will meet on Wednesday 4th October to review an updated shortlist of site options and decide when to start the public consultation for up to 13 Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pitches in the County. The proposed sites will provide places for families who are living in the County and have an identified need.
While the Council has a legal obligation to provide permanent pitches to fulfil the assessed need, there is no requirement to identify a transit site.
Following the Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 19th July work continues to be undertaken on identifying potential sites to hold up to six pitches per site and ideally for individual families. Landowners and members of the public were invited to suggest potential sites and some suggestions, were proposed by the deadline of the 23rd of August, will be considered. A further review of land in ownership of the County Council is also taking place.
The Cabinet will consider the results of this review together with proposals for an intensive public consultation that will take place on the sites identified in the review.
The report for consideration by the Cabinet will be published on the Council website on Tuesday 26th September.