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Jacquelyn Elias

Principal Officer, Additional Learning Needs

What makes me happy ?

In work: 

• Working with ALN colleagues in the team and in schools

• Hearing how well children and young people with ALN are doing

• Getting a piece of work finished

Outside work: 

• Enjoying time with my family

• Being a grandma

• Holidays in west Wales

• Cooking, especially baking

• Wales winning!

Words that describe me…

• Passionate

• Positive

• Persistent 

The best way to communicate with me is…

Email/bost: – 

Tel/Ffon – 01633 644511

Post – ALN Team, CYP, County Hall, Usk NP15 1GA

Rachael Ounsworth

ALN Statutory Officer

In work:
Connecting with and helping others to solve problems and get things done.
Building good relationships and being part of a team
Working with schools, families and children and hearing about their progress
Supporting children and young people to thrive and reach their full potential.

Outside work:
Spending time with family and friends
Singing with Allegra Ladies Choir
Travel and sunshine!

Words that describe me…

The best way to communicate with me is…
Email –
Tel – 01633 644528
Post – ALN Team, CYP, County Hall, Usk. NP15 1GA

Beth Jones

CLA Statutory Officer

What makes me happy?
In work:
Supporting children and young people to reach their full potential.
Empowering and motivating people to achieve better outcomes for children and young people.
Being part of a supportive team.
Accomplishing my goals and completing tasks on my ‘to do’ list.
Outside work:
Spending time with family and friends
Eating out
Going on holiday abroad!
Words that describe me…

The best way to communicate with me is…
Email / Ebost –

Tel / Ffôn – 01633 644595 (Direct Line) / 01633 644512 (ALN Administration)

Post: ALN Team, CYP, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA

Jane Parker

ALN Statutory Officer

What makes me happy ?

In work:

• Helping children to access the support they need.

• Seeing children happy & thriving.

• Good relationships with parents and schools.

• Solving problems.

• When a plan comes together.

Outside of work: 

• Spending time with my family and friends.

• Being outdoors and active.

• Music.

Words that describe me…

• positive


• hardworking

• caring

The best way to communicate with me is…

Email/bost: –

Tel/Ffon – 01633 644526 direct line 01633 644512 ALN Administration

Post: ALN Team, CYP, County Hall, Usk NP15 1GA

Julie Owen

ALN Team Administrator

What makes me happy ?

In work: 

• Ticking items off my ‘to do’ list

• Receiving positive feedback from parents about the support their child is receiving in school

• Reading learner’s views in annual review paperwork

Outside of work: 

• Going for walks/runs with my dogs

• Trail running, mountain-biking, paddle-boarding

• Sharing vegetables & fruit from my allotment with family & friends

• Eating out

Words that describe me…

• Helpful

• Organised

• Friendly

The best way to communicate with me is…

Email/bost: – 

Tel/Ffon – 01633 644512/01633 644515

Post – ALN Team, CYP, County Hall, Usk NP15 1GA

Emma Haines

ALN Team Admin Assistant

What makes me happy? 

In work:  

• Helping others  

• Being part of a supportive team 

• Accomplishing Tasks  

Outside work:  

• Spending time with my children, partner and dog  

• Traveling with my family  

• Visiting the beach  

• Cooking  

Words that describe me… 

• Friendly 

• Empathetic 

• Supportive 

The best way to communicate with me is… 

Email/bost: – 

Tel/Ffon – 01633 644412(Direct Line) / 01633 644512 (ALN Administration) 

Post – ALN Team, CYP, County Hall, Usk NP15 1GA