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Should you wish to request repair to existing signs and road markings  or request new signs and road markings. This can be done by sending a service request using the MyMonmouthshire App or the following links to the online forms:

Learn more about Road Signs

Road signs are signs usually erected at the side of roads to give instructions or provide information to road users.

Only where there is a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in place (or a similar regulatory requirement, such as the start of a 30 mph speed limit in a street-lit area) is there a statutory requirement to provide signs.

Where there is a need to warn and inform road users, signs or markings can also be needed. Signs will only be provided where a clear need has been identified, and will be minimal and sympathetic to their environment. These principles apply in both urban and rural settings. Further information on road signs can be found here: Traffic signs – The Highway Code – Guidance – GOV.UK (

Learn more about Road Markings

Road markings serve a very important function in conveying to road users information and requirements, which might not be possible using upright signs. They have the advantage that they can often be seen when an upright sign is obscured and can provide a continuing message. Road markings do have their limitations. They can be completely obliterated by snow. Their visibility is impaired when wet or dirty, and their effective life is reduced if they are subjected to heavy trafficking.

Nevertheless, road markings make a vital contribution to safety, e.g. by clearly defining the path to be followed through hazards, by separating conflicting movements and by delineating the road edge on unlit roads at night. They can also help to improve junction capacity, and make best use of available road space. Further information on Road Markings can be found here: Road markings – The Highway Code – Guidance – GOV.UK (