Monmouthshire County Council and Monmouth Town Council want to hear your views on Monmouth’s placemaking plans.
The plan aims to create a vibrant and sustainable future for Monmouth town centre. It will:
- Analyse the key challenges and opportunities facing the town centre.
- Set out a long-term vision for the village centre, developed with local stakeholders.
- Provide a prioritised action plan with the projects and activities which will make the vision a reality, tackling the identified challenges and making the most of the opportunities.
The council will commence a public consultation on 14 March to gather feedback on the plans.
The consultation will be hosted on Let’s Talk Monmouthshire, with an online survey and face-to-face opportunities for residents to provide feedback.
Community members, businesses, and stakeholders are invited to view and discuss the proposals during face-to-face events in the Market Hall, Priory Street, Monmouth, scheduled for 10am to 7pm on Friday, 14 March and 10am to 3pm on Saturday, 15 March.
To view the placemaking proposals and to take part in the online survey from 14 March, please visit
Monmouthshire County Council’s Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, Cllr Paul Griffiths, said, “We are committed to ensuring that town centres remain vibrant and welcoming places that meet the needs of the local communities, businesses and visitors. Working alongside the town council, we can ensure the plans meet Monmouth’s needs. We look forward to welcoming residents to the drop-in sessions and gaining feedback via the survey.”
Cllr Roger Hoggins, Chair of the Monmouth Placemaking Steering Group, said: “County Councillors and Town Councillors, along with officers and local consultants, have been working with local stakeholders over the last few months to prepare a draft ‘Placemaking Plan’ for Monmouth Town. The plan, when it is finalised and approved, will seek to prioritise services and amenities along with physical features such as open spaces, routes that we travel by foot, car, bus and public facilities. The ideas prepared so far are being presented to yourselves through this consultation exercise and we are looking for your comments and feedback on what you like, dislike and what might be added.
“Please don’t miss this opportunity as the Plan will set a direction for the development of the town in coming years and will be the basis upon which we will seek government funding to enhance our town going forward.”
Placemaking is a comprehensive approach to planning and development, which focuses on creating vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive spaces. It ensures any changes or investments made in the town centre meet immediate needs and contribute to the community’s long-term well-being.
To find out more about the placemaking plans and how you can get involved, email