Monmouthshire County Council’s Assistive and Smart Technology Service, along with the Social Care and Health directorate, provides technological solutions to help people live comfortably and securely in their own homes.
One example of how this service is helping is the case study of mother and daughter Maureen and Rosemary.
Maureen is 86 with some restricted mobility and lives at home with her daughter Rosemary who is a wheelchair user.

They have both embraced the benefits of Assistive and Smart technology, to allow them to enjoy their entire home together, comfortably and safely.
Some of the technological solutions they use include:
Alarm Receiving Centre & pendants
Maureen wears a pendant on her wrist, while her daughter opts for a neck pendant to keep her wrist free for wheelchair use. Both pendants are connected to an alarm receiving centre, which links to a 24-hour call centre ready to respond to any emergency. This system provides them with the peace of mind that help is immediately available if needed.
Smart light bulb
One worry living at home as you become older is the risk of falling, technology has helped in two ways in their home to help reduce this risk. Firstly, the addition of a smart light bulb attached to a normal standard lamp.
The light can be turned on and off using a voice control app on a smart speaker.
Smart curtains
Curtains in the room were becoming harder to use as they were heavy and hard to access, but they needed to be used daily to allow privacy and keep warmth in at night.
The Assistive Technology team fitted a modern curtain closer and opener to the curtain pole, that is voice controlled. This allows them to use the curtains without risking a fall.
Cllr Ian Chandler, Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Accessible Health Services, said: “Supporting people to be able to live safely and independently in their own homes is what assistive technology is all about.
“I urge those eligible for support to reach out and see what a difference it can make to your life or the life of someone you care for.”
Cllr Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Rural Affairs, Housing and Tourism, said: “Having somewhere to live that you feel safe and comfortable in is vital for our wellbeing.
“This technology can make all the difference in giving someone back their independence and peace of mind.”
All of the technology is installed and maintained by the Assistive Technology team at Monmouthshire County Council, meaning that understanding the technology does not restrict its uses and benefits.
If you would like to discuss how Assistive or Smart Technology can benefit you or someone you care for, call 01633 644644 or email
Visit for more information.
Tags: assistive technology, Monmouthshire, news