Cllr. Rachel Garrick, Cabinet Member for Resources (Job share with Cllr Ben Callard) and representative of Castle Ward, Caldicot, has resigned from the Cabinet due to the significant expansion of her professional commitments in recent months. Cllr Callard will now assume full responsibility for the resources portfolio.
Cllr. Garrick will continue representing her residents in Caldicot Castle Ward while pursuing her professional role as a Senior Manager in the Nuclear Industry, delivering zero-carbon energy. Rachel holds degrees in Genetics and Physics and has worked in STEM for 25 years.
Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby, Leader of the Council, said: “Reluctantly and sadly, I accepted Rachel’s departure from Cabinet. Our loss is the energy industry’s gain. Rachel has been a highly effective and formidable member of the Cabinet since the start of the administration. She has brought her analytical skills and vast experience to the Cabinet. Whilst we lose Rachel as a Cabinet Member, we are delighted she will be a role model as a woman in science and industry. We hope she inspires women in younger generations to follow paths into science and politics”.