On Tuesday, 30 January, community groups, charities, organisations and services will hold a market-style showcase event at Magor and Undy Community Hub. Come along and learn more about activities, services and volunteering opportunities across Monmouthshire.
The event will take place between 13:30 and 17:00 and will provide residents with an opportunity to discover more about services and organisations in their community.
Some of the organisations, services and groups at the event include Bridges Charity Projects, Communities for Work Plus (MCC), Magor and Undy Community Fridge, WCVA (Wales Council for Voluntary Action), and the Alzheimer’s Society.
Experience a market-style atmosphere where local community groups and services will showcase the support available and activities offered in the community. Plus, workshops in Noodle Soup Making by The Preservation Society, a Reminiscence Workshop by Monmouthshire Museums, Improving Small Green Spaces by Keep Wales Tidy and an expert panel will discuss Funding in Wales.
This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with organisations offering services, discover exciting volunteering opportunities, explore new hobbies, and seek assistance with ongoing projects.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for the residents to discover more about the services and organisations available on their doorstep. If you can pop along for the whole event or just for an hour, it will be great to see you.”

Cllr Angela Sandles
Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Engagement and EqualitiesThe event is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is organised by Monmouthshire County Council, Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations and Monmouthshire Housing Association.
Date and time:
Tue, 30 Jan 2024 13:30 – 17:00 (1:30pm – 5:00pm)
Magor and Undy Community Hub (The Hub) Main Road Undy NP26 3GD
Click to view list of community organisations and groups at the event >
Bridges Charity Projects
A Monmouthshire charity that offers multiple outreach services including a befriending service, community car scheme, inclusion projects for children and adults with additional needs, social activity groups, and a volunteering project.
?Contact: marianne.piper@bridgescentre.org.uk
Ready Steady GO
A charity supporting autistic children, young persons, and their families.
?Contact: admin@readysteadygoclun.co.uk
Magor East & Undy Councillors
Available to answer questions about local issues from residents.
?Contact: angelasandles@monmouthshire.gov.uk, jogncrook@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Monmouthshire Reuse Shops
Situated at Five Lanes and Llanfoist household recycling centres, works with volunteers to salvage items from the skips and sell at the shop on Wednesdays, with profits going to tree planting.
?Contact: rebeccablount@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Chepstow Community Circus
A group for people to practice and share circus skills, also provides workshops for other groups.
?Contact: chepstowcircus@gmail.com
Chepstow Walkers are Welcome
A volunteer community group that worked to gain accreditation for Chepstow to become part of the National Network of Walkers are Welcome towns in 2012. Encourages people to get outside and enjoy the outdoors through walking to improve health and well-being, and attract visitors to the area to support the local economy.
?Contact: chepstowwaw@hotmail.co.uk
Lads Lunch
A weekly lunch club for men in Bulwark, offering a free cooked meal and an opportunity for men to connect and make friends in a warm welcoming space. Also offers office space to other organizations during opening hours.
?Contact: communitykitchen@thebridgechurch.online
Mind Monmouthshire
Provides mental health services for adults.
?Contact: stephanie.thomas@mindmonmouthshire.org.uk
Gwent RPB
Provides Dewis Cymru, an online wellbeing resource directory.
?Contact: ellys.perry@torfaen.gov.uk
Caldicot and District Local History Society
Holds talks and occasional trips relating to local history.
?Contact: caldicothistorysociety@yahoo.co.uk
Usk Together for the Climate
A network of local residents working together to respond to the climate and nature emergencies by raising awareness and knowledge, taking practical steps, developing local projects, working with organizations, and creating a supportive community.
?Contact: togetherfortheclimateusk@gmail.com
Severn Side Neighbourhood Policing Team
Providing Support and advice around crime prevention
Big Lottery Cymru
The National Lottery Community Fund gives grants to organisations in the UK to help improve their communities. Our local Monmouthshire coordinator will be able to give advise on the range of funds available locally and talk to project thinking of applying for funding.
?Contact: Michael.Dupree@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk
Basecamp Cooperative
Provide a range of therapeutic services including counselling for resilient communities
?Contact: projectmanagerbasecamp@protonmail.com
Age Cymru – HOPE Project
Offers free advocacy support to anyone over the age of 50 or their Carer if appropriate.
?Contact: michael.mitchell1@agecymru.org.uk
Communities For Work Plus
Supports people getting into work, offering help with CV writing, interview skills and advice, job searching and application guidance, short accredited work-related courses, financial support to reduce barriers into work, mentoring and confidence building, and connecting with local employers.
?Contact: ameletukandra@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Monmouthshire County Council Grounds and Cleansing Department
Offers volunteer opportunities in grounds and cleansing team to make Monmouthshire more beautiful and wildlife-friendly, including litter champions, Friends of Green Spaces, and pollinator monitors.
?Contact: susanparkinson@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Magor and Undy Community Fridge
Prevent food going to landfill by hosting a community fridge where people can pick up free food within its use by date.
?Contact: magor.undy.cf@gmail.com
Pre-Loved Prom Wear
Helps people who wouldn’t normally be able to attend their school prom due to the cost of prom wear, by providing donations of prom wear from local communities. Also provides an eco-solution to stop landfill and promotes the value of vintage or second-hand clothing.
?Contact: melstirling37@hotmail.com
TogetherWORKS Caldicot
A Community Wellbeing Hub based in the heart of Caldicot. We offer a range of wellbeing services, clubs and hobby groups.
?Contact: isla.arendell@gavo.org.uk
Keep Wales Tidy
A charity supporting voluntary action to improve the local environment.
?Contact: thomas.ward-jackson@keepwalestidy.cymru
Gwent Federation of Women’s Institutes
The largest women’s organization in the UK, with 43 Institutes and around 1300 members in Gwent Federation. Offers women the opportunity to make friends and make a difference in the community, learn new skills, crafts, sports, and much more within a social, safe, and relaxed environment.
?Contact: https://gwent.thewi.org.uk/contact-us
Chepstow & Caldicot lions
A community service organization.
?Contact: chepstowcaldicotlions@btinternet.com
Alzheimers Society
Supports people affected by dementia and their carers.
?Contact: chris.hodson@alzheimers.org.uk
Phoenix Netball Club (formerly known as Magor and Undy Netball Club)
A community netball club for all genders and ages from 7 years upwards.
?Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1271178783374616/
Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations aims to create a society where communities, individuals, partner organisations and the third sector work together to build a sustainable future by supporting, facilitating and brokering positive change in the wellbeing of people and communities through collaborative approaches. We heave a wealth of experience in volunteering, community and project development, building social capital and engaging with communities.
?Contact: bethan.warrington@gavo.org.uk
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Engagement Team/iConnect – The Engagement Team is the outward facing community development arm of MHA looking to empower and strengthen communities and listen to the voice of MHA tenants and leaseholders throughout Monmouthshire.
iConnect – Aims to bring the digital World to everybody’s fingertips promoting easy affordable ways to get connected and to improve digital skills, ensuring nobody is excluded from the benefits of a digital World.
Young People and Communities
Provides community links, counselling, and young carer support for children and young people.
?Contact: nathanmeredith@monmouthshire.gov.uk
The Cookalong Clwb
Empowers children with kitchen confidence, essential life skills, and supports feeding tummies, not the food bin.
?Contact: hello@thecookalongclwb.co.uk
MonLife Heritage
Learning provides a range of resources and activities for people living with Dementia and their carers, including Reminiscence and historic object handling boxes, facilitated reminiscence sessions, and craft and conversation workshops. Also provides reminiscence training for care givers and care workers.
?Contact: karinmolson@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Environmental Health
Here to provide advice and guidance to community projects who handle food.
?Contact: samwatkins@monmouthshire.gov.uk, niachappell@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Monmouth U3A
Offers a wide range of member-organized special interest groups for people no longer in full-time work, encouraging informal study, leisure interests, hobbies, music, creativity, physical activity, and socializing.
?Contact: https://monmouthu3a.com/contact-us/
Halls Together in Monmouthshire and Newport
A project bringing halls together by providing a website platform for halls to market their community buildings and events and raise standards by providing support, information, and volunteer training.
?Contact: ourhallstogether@gmail.com
Enables voluntary organizations in Wales to make a bigger difference together, working closely with local County Voluntary Councils (CVCs) as part of Third Sector Support Wales (TSSW). Focuses on good governance, influencing and engagement, volunteering, and resourcing a sustainable sector.
?Contact: sbakermaurice@wcva.cymru
Chepstow & District CAP Debt Centre
Offers free in-home debt advice and support, and also runs budgeting/money management courses.
?Contact: davidprice@capuk.org
ABUHB Patient Experience & Involvement Team
Offers Dementia Awareness, Volunteering, Risk Factors of Dementia, Carers Education, and Community Listeners.
?Contact: sian.hanniford@wales.nhs.uk
Monmouthshire Community Development Team
We are all about people doing great things together. Across Monmouthshire, people are getting together to take action on the things they care about. We’re helping people share ideas, talents, skills and passions to make a difference to where they live. If you would like to be more connected into your community, or if you have a great idea for something to bring people together then get in touch. We can help with things like:
o Finding funding
o Providing free training and development
o Building networks of support
o Encouraging other people to help you
o Finding a venue
o Promoting your idea
o Helping you with any regulations and red tape
o Wellbeing information and support to link you in with opportunities
?Contact: wellbeing@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Care & Repair Monmouthshire & Torfaen
Care & Repair Monmouthshire & Torfaen provides help and advice for older people to remain safe secure and independent in their own homes.
?Contact: dgrant-crichton@crmon.org.uk
- Community Showcase 13:30 – 17:00
Experience a market-style atmosphere where local community groups and services will host tables, presenting a diverse array of contributions to the community. This is a unique opportunity to discover the wealth of services available and learn how you can get involved or access support.
- Noodle Soup Making Workshop 14:00 – 15:00
Cooking for children and adults presented by The Preservation Society.
- Reminiscence Workshop 14:00 – 14:30
Presented by Monmouthshire Museums. Utilising Monmouthshire Museum collections on social history. Suitable for people working, volunteering or caring for people living well with dementia.
- Circus Skills 15:00 – 16:00
Presented by Chepstow Community Circus. Fun for children, their adults, grown ups and anybody willing to give it a go!
- Improving Small Green Spaces 15:00 – 15:30
Keep Wales Tidy. Improving small green spaces for wildlife and applying for Local Places for Nature packages.
- Expert Panel Discussion on Funding in Wales 16:00 – 17:00
WCVA, Big Lottery, GAVO and MCC. Delve into the dynamic landscape of funding in Wales with our esteemed panel of experts. Gain valuable insights, explore opportunities, and navigate challenges within the region’s funding environment. This thought-provoking session is designed to empower you with knowledge that can enhance your community initiatives and projects.
This project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Tags: community, Monmouthshire