Abergavenny’s Wellbeing Hub was the location for the first Period Dignity event organised by Monmouthshire County Council’s Communities team. The drop-in session, which took place on Wednesday 15th March, was supported by the Love Your Period campaign, Monmouthshire Housing Association, Women’s Aid Cyfannol, Dignity Bags, The Wool Croft, GAVO and Flying Start.
Approximately 200 people attended the event, which offered advice and support as well as complimentary plastic-free and reusable products. The session saw people of all ages coming along, including teenagers keen to find out more about sustainable products.

The Wool Croft in Abergavenny were at the event to show how easy it is to make your own reusable sanitary towels, while the Love Your Period campaign team helped capture visitors’ positive thoughts about periods and what they mean to them.

Monmouthshire County Council’s Leader, Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby attended the event with fellow Councillors Sara Burch (Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities), Catherine Fookes (Cabinet Member for Equalities), and Angela Sandles (Cabinet Member for Engagement).

Cllr. Brocklesby said: “I was delighted to support this event, which we hope will be the first of many across the county. It is important to support those who have periods, especially young people, with information about sustainability and about choices. Period Dignity is an important aspect of equality and it’s something we advocate in all Monmouthshire schools. I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to organise this event, and of course everyone who took time out of their day to come along.”

Molly Fenton, founder of the Love Your Period campaign that is run by young people for young people, said: “We were thrilled to take part in the Abergavenny event. Period dignity and equity is a crucial part of most women’s lives, and something that still is a barrier for so many when it comes to gender equality, so it’s important that we recognise how the entire menstrual cycle works and changes our day-to-day lives.”
Comments from visitors to the event were positive and included:
“You’ve given me a great confidence boost to be able to chat with my niece openly and answer any questions she has, show her different options and alleviate shame for her too. I can’t wait to come along to the Chat with flo workshop with her!”
“Really helpful advice and support. I would encourage more dads to attend future events and learn more about what is often a subject men will shy away from, thank you.” (From a dad)
“Super informative and inclusive. I’m more confident to talk to my daughter for sure, nice work.” (from a dad who attended the event)
If you would like to find out more about Period Dignity events or support for schools, venues and community groups, contact staceywhite@monmouthshire.gov.uk
This project is supported by the MCC Community Development team > Find out More !

We’re here to help break the stigma associated with period for anyone who menstruates – it’s important, Period!
For more info visit the website pages – Chat with Flo – Monmouthshire >