People across the world reacted in shock when news broke on February 24th of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In the days since, the world has watched in horror at the conflict its people are enduring. While this conflict may seem far away, its impact has spread like a shockwave across the globe. Thoughts are inevitably with the Ukrainian people, both in the county itself and with those here in Wales who may be concerned about family and friends in the country.
Monmouthshire County Council has issued a statement affirming its commitment to supporting the people of the Ukraine. Its Leader, Councillor Richard John (left) said: “Events taking place in Ukraine are something we had hoped never to see in our lifetime. Europe was never meant to see unprovoked aggression again, following the wars of the last century. We stand with Ukraine and recognise the many Russians ashamed of their Government. We are ready to support those fleeing the conflict, and will play our part in any scheme that comes into place to assist refugees.”