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Monmouthshire County Council welcomes the recommendations of the South East Wales Transport Commission Final Report and in particular the proposed marked changes for improvements to rail and bus services as essential alternatives to the M4 Newport relief road, which the Welsh Government has previously rejected.  The council also supports the quick win measures proposed for improving Active Travel and integrated ticketing, as well as the medium and longer term recommendations for upgrading the county’s stations and bus services .

The proposal for improved public transport facilitated by an access off the M48 to the Severn Tunnel Junction, along with an upgrade of Chepstow and a new station at Magor, will offer a viable and real alternative to the car as a means of travel for residents of Monmouthshire.

Monmouthshire County Council would however also like consideration to be given to the wider potential benefits of the proposed M48 access for the Severnside area, for example by reducing traffic levels on the B4245. It would like to see a separate but concurrent transport study be carried out for this area at the same time as the assessment and outline design of the new motorway junction.

Cabinet Member County Councillor Jane Pratt commented: “The council has been fully engaged with the work of the commission and is very excited about the transport improvements recommended within the report. The council’s Strategic Transport Steering Group has long been debating the idea of improvements to our bus and train services throughout the county and in addition Active Travel has been at the heart of our plans for encouraging residents to take up cycling and walking as part of their commute and travel to local facilities. These radical plans are to be welcomed as they support climate challenges and offer of healthier living and lifestyle for our community. We look forward to working with Welsh Government and becoming a member of the Burns commission development unit.”