We want to achieve an 8.986% increase in the number of Welsh speakers in Monmouthshire by 2027.
It is also our aim as a council to promote and protect the Welsh language, culture and heritage and enable people to live, work, enjoy leisure activities and access services in Welsh throughout the county. Achieving these aims will require partnership working between the council, public sector partners, businesses, the education sector and the people and communities of Monmouthshire. To support the delivery of the above we have set 4 objectives.
- Objective 1: Increase the number of children who are educated through the medium of Welsh
- Objective 2: Provide more opportunities for adults to learn and use the language
- Objective 3: Increase the number of opportunities for the public to interact with public services delivered through the medium of Welsh
- Objective 4: Work with partners to create of more social opportunities for people to use the language in everyday life.
One of the statutory requirements of the Welsh language standards is to create and publish a 5 Year strategy that sets out how we will promote and facilitate the use of Welsh. This is our second draft five Year Welsh Language Strategy which covers the period 2022 – 2027 and outlines our above 4 proposed objectives. We have also included a target to increase the number and percentage of Welsh speakers and learners in Monmouthshire. An important document that is closely linked to this strategy is our statutory requirement to have in place a Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP). Also, we as a council are committed to playing our part in supporting the Welsh Government’s vision of a million Welsh speakers by 2050 (Cymraeg 2050).
Delivery of the objectives will be achieved through the effective implementation of the action plan which will be agreed upon following this statutory consultation process. The consultation will begin on Monday 13th December 2021 and will close on Friday 28th January 2022.
Please click on the link below to complete the consultation form.