What is Our Monmouthshire?
As part of a Gwent-wide initiative, the Gwent Public Services Board (PSB), which includes the five local authorities and public bodies, has undertaken a well-being assessment which considers the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of the area and local areas within it. It incorporates a detailed analysis of data, statistics, research and policy, which has been combined with views from the community.
The assessment is made up of different parts:
- Gwent as a whole (see www.gwentpsb.org/well-being-plan/well-being-assessment/ for more details of the Gwent well-being assessment)
- Monmouthshire as a whole
- 5 local areas within Monmouthshire centred around Abergavenny, Monmouth, Usk, Chepstow, and Caldicot.
The well-being assessment of Monmouthshire and 5 local areas within it is available below.
Why is it important?
Our Monmouthshire is about all of us addressing the needs of the future as well as current generations.
In April 2016 a new piece of legislation, The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act was launched. This means we need to begin planning at least ten and ideally up to 25 years into the future. The decisions we make now will have real implications for our children and grandchildren. We need to work together to make sure we get this right. This means that all public services must plan for the long-term and understand what well-being means to our county and the communities within it.
From August to December 2016 we spoke to people in Monmouthshire and asked what’s good about your community and what would make it better, now and in the future. These views are helping us to make sure we address some of the really big challenges that Monmouthshire faces in coming years – and now we need to update this to make sure your views and feedback are up-to-date. The Well-being Assessment and Plan need to be completed every five years, so we are updating them now, as we move from a Monmouthshire Public Services Board to a Gwent Public Services Board.
The details below are for Monmouthshire’s Well-Assessment which was published in 2017 and Well-being Plan which was published in 2018.
The Well-being Plan – what is it?
The Well-being Plan sets out what public services will work on together to address the things that matter to local communities. Often, these are complex challenges that are too big for a single organisation to address by itself. The Well-being Plan has been informed by data, research and what the people of Monmouthshire has told us as part of the Well-being Assessment. Please read the Well-being plan below to find out more.
This plan has grown out of the work of Monmouthshire’s Public Services Board (PSB), which was made up of public bodies such as Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Gwent Police, Monmouthshire County Council, and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service. This has now been extended to become a Gwent-wide Public Services Board (PSB).
Each PSB in Wales had to produce a Well-being Plan. The Well-being Plan, which was signed off by the PSB in April 2018, looked at the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of the entire county.
PSB partners are now working on detailed action plans which will set out how they will deliver against the four identified objectives:
- Provide children and young people with the best possible start in life
- Respond to the challenges associated with demographic change
- Protect and enhance the resilience of our natural environment whilst mitigating and adapting to the impact of climate change
- Develop opportunities for communities and business to be part of an economically thriving and well-connected county
Find out more in these Well-being plan documents
The latest Well-being Plan annual report
The PSB produces an annual report that describes the progress made to deliver the objectives set out in the well-being plan:

Click on the image above for a summary of the PSB well-being Plan Annual Report 2020 and the links below to see the previous plans.
- Monmouthshire PSB Well-being Plan Annual Report 2020
- Monmouthshire PSB Well-being Plan Annual Report 2019
- Monmouthshire PSB Well-being Plan Annual Report 2021
Well-being Assessment
The PSB has adopted a well-being assessment, developed through extensive community engagement using the Our Monmouthshire process, combined with a detailed analysis of data, statistics, research and policy. The assessment is made up of different sections. It considers the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Monmouthshire as a whole. It also provides profiles of more localised areas loosely clustered around our five largest settlements: Abergavenny, Monmouth, Usk, Chepstow, and Caldicot. There is a section on Future Trends and a conclusions section that draws out some of the main messages that the PSB will need to consider. This assessment has informed the development of the Well-being Plan and Objectives.
The Well-being Assessment will be an ongoing and dynamic document. The continued development and update of the Well-being Assessment will form a fundamental part of future reviews and any revisions of the Well-being Objectives.