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At Be Community, we value diverse approaches to volunteering.  We honour and appreciate each volunteer’s unique contributions. Be Community empowers Monmouthshire volunteers with comprehensive training resources and opportunities.

Our approach at Be Community is multifaceted. We cater to diverse volunteer needs and interests, offering training courses that cover various aspects of volunteering and community group management.

Our goal is to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to make a meaningful difference.

In addition to traditional training, we provide:

  • Accessible online learning modules, allowing volunteers to engage with valuable content at their own pace and convenience. These resources are crafted to enhance their understanding of community issues, foster empathy, and promote effective problem-solving approaches.
  • Bespoke packages, we recognise that sometimes community organisations need a more bespoke approach to help elevate the project to the next level or overcome challenges. In these circumstances we are able to provide mentorship from seasoned third sector organisations with specific experience in your area.
  • Networking is a key component of our support system. We facilitate connections between volunteers, enabling them to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and learn from one another’s experiences. Volunteers can expand their social circles, form partnerships, and gain valuable insights that enrich their volunteering journey.

At Be Community, we’re dedicated to providing free resources and opportunities for all volunteers. Our commitment ensures that financial constraints never hinder anyone’s ability to contribute positively to the community. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to engage in volunteering and experience the profound sense of fulfilment it brings.

Be Community welcomes all volunteers, whether you’re experienced or new. Together, let’s build a stronger, more compassionate community for everyone.

Management of Aggression and Personal Safety Course

Course dates to be confirmed!

This course will empower you as a volunteer to recognise, defuse and de-escalate confrontational situations and maintain your personal safety (in accordance with Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and fully complies with The All Wales Violence and Aggression Training Passport & Information Scheme, Modules A & B.

This course will enable volunteer teams to recognise different aspects of conflict that they may encounter.

To understand and be aware of the different methods of resolving such conflicts.
Help you to work towards minimising the effects of violent and aggressive behaviour.
Provide awareness of the Government legislation and Health & Safety legal requirements regarding violence and aggressive behaviour within the working environment.
To increase awareness of personal safety issues such as safe and secure working environment, lone working.

Making Grants Work with Justin Horton

Course dates to be confirmed!

Our “Making Grants Work” course is tailored to empower organisation at every level, from community groups taking their first funding steps to seasoned organisations gearing up for large funding applications.
– Gain knowledge to craft successful funding applications.
– Suitable for all, from first-time bidders to seasoned applicants.
Special Feature: Meet Michael Dupree from the Big Lottery! This is your chance to discuss your specific project, explore different funding options, and maximise your chances of success.
Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your funding game. Join us at “Making Grants Work” and set your organisation on the path to success!

Highfields Level 2 Award in Food Allergen Awareness and Control in Catering (RQF)

Course dates to be confirmed!

Tailored for volunteer food handlers and those involved in food preparation, this qualification, delivered by Shared Regulatory Services, provides essential knowledge. Discover insights into food allergens, intolerance, effective communication and minimising cross contamination risk.

Foodie Foundations – Environmental Health Coaching

Course dates to be confirmed!

Building Safe and Successful Community Food Projects with Be Community’s Coaching Scheme.

Foodie Foundations is a coaching scheme offered in partnership with Environmental Health and Be Community. It provides personalised support and training for community projects involved in food preparation or handling. The scheme aims to ensure success and safety by tailoring advice to each project’s unique needs. Post-visit support is also provided. However, it does not replace routine inspections.

Emergency First Aid at Work

Course dates to be confirmed!

This course is ideal for anyone wishing to become an emergency first aider. It provides learners with the skills and knowledge to deal with first aid situations in low-risk workplace environments, for the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.

After attending the course, the first aider will understand and be able to manage a casualty that is unresponsive, in shock, choking, or has a minor injury.

HABC Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering

Course dates to be confirmed!

This qualification is ideal for volunteers working in the catering and hospitality industry (or those about to start work in the industry).
Subjects covered include: hazards and controls, food safety management and temperature controls, food poisoning control,
personal hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, food pests, and the role of the food handler in keeping food safe.

The HABC Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering (QCF) is accredited and recognised internationally and has been developed to protect customers, brand reputation and profits.

How long will it take me to achieve this qualification?
This qualification is usually achieved by taking a one-day classroom-based course. Refreshment of this qualification is recommended at least every three years.

Who needs this qualification? Anyone working or volunteering in a catering, manufacturing, or retail setting where food is prepared, cooked and handled. Typical environments may include pubs, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and retail environments, hospitals, care homes, schools, prisons.

Why is this training important? Everyone who works with food has a special responsibility to safeguard the health of consumers and ensuring that the food they serve, or sell is perfectly safe to eat.

How is the qualification assessed?
It is assessed by a multiple-choice examination, where the candidate must answer at least 13 out of 20 questions correctly. The examination will take a maximum of 45 minutes to complete. Examination papers are available in English, Thai, Dari, Arabic, Polish and Welsh, but papers in any language other than English must be requested in advance.

What next? Individuals achieving this qualification can then progress onto any of the HABC Level 3 Food Safety qualifications, which are ideal for those wishing to work in a supervisory role.

Learning Outcomes
• Firm grasp of the importance of food safety and knowledge of the systems, techniques and procedures involved
• Understanding of how to control food safety risks (personal hygiene, food storage, cooking and handling)
• Confidence and expertise to safely deliver quality food to customers
We are now taking bookings for our course:

These are past courses, however if you are interested in these please get in touch!

  • Highfield Level 2 Award in Food Allergen Awareness and Control in Catering (RQF)
  • Chat GPT ( AI artificial intelligence app) online training workshop
  • Making Grants Work with Justin Horton
  • Food Safety Level 2
  • Branding and Brand Story
  • Risk Assessment
  • Health & Safety at Work
  • Suicide First Aid
  • First Aid
  • Menopause Awareness
  • Stress Management
  • Unlocking Memories: Object-Based Reminiscence and Memory Café Training

< Community Development Team

This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.