The Health Benefits of Reading
Reading can be a huge source of enjoyment, whether you are laughing out loud at a comedic character, scared to read the next page of that thriller everyone is talking about, or just enjoying some “me time”.
Research also shows that reading for pleasure can promote better health and wellbeing. Regular readers for pleasure report fewer feelings of stress and depression than non-readers. Readers say that reading stops them from feeling lonely. Reading as part of a night-time routine can even help with sleep.
Reading Well in Wales
The Reading Well schemes help you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading.
The books are all chosen and recommended by health experts, as well as people living with the conditions covered and their relatives and carers.
Reading Well is developed by The Reading Agency in partnership with Libraries Connected and SCL Cymru and is delivered though public libraries.
There are four Reading Well schemes available in Wales: supporting people living with dementia, with mental health issues, for children, and for teens.
Books are available from any of the Community Hubs in Monmouthshire.
To find out more go to Reading Well in Wales or ask at your local library.
The Reading Agency are a national charity tackling life’s big challenges through the proven power of reading. The Welsh Government are supporting The Reading Agency to deliver Reading Well in all 22 library authorities in Wales.
Reading Well for dementia
Reading Well for dementia recommends helpful reading for people living with dementia.
The booklist is targeted at people living with dementia, carers and family members including younger children to help them understand more about dementia.
Some of the recommended books provide information and advice; there are also personal stories and children’s fiction.
The list also includes a wide range of formats including eBooks and audiobooks. Alongside the books are a selection of digital resources to support people affected by dementia.

Reading Well for children
Reading Well for children provides helpful reading to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. The books provide quality-assured information, stories and advice.

Reading Well for teens
Reading Well for teens suggests recommended reading and digital resources to help teenagers (13-18) better understand their feelings, handle difficult experiences and boost confidence. The list is focused on supporting teens’ mental health and wellbeing in a post-pandemic context.

Reading Well for mental health
Reading Well for mental health provides helpful information and support for managing common mental health conditions or dealing with difficult feelings and experiences. Some books also include personal stories from people who are living with or caring for someone with mental health needs.
Browse the bilingual digital leaflet here and a full overview of the titles here.